

Hello, I'm cyberkillerdev, an indie game developer with over three years of experence using Unity. I have a passion for creating engaging, immersive gaming experiences, and I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow as a developer. In addition to my experience with Unity, I have a strong understanding of programming languages such as Python and C#(Unity). I have used Python extensively for creating Discord bots(Python). I'm excited to collaborate with others on new projects, whether it be for game development or coding anything. I'm open to exploring new areas of game development, as I believe that continuous learning is important for personal growth and development as a developer. Let's work together to create something amazing shall we!


Prototype [C]

Move yo ass Boii

This Prototype was Made to Test and Refine
My Parkour Movement Script.

Project [C]

Shoot to Shoot

FPS fast-paced shooter,
Protaganist is a Cyborg with multiple skills,
each skill you gain from each boss, the bosses are around their skill.
you hack to yoink a skill.

GameJam Prototype

Parkour Movement all Day Baby!

Idea was to be a fast paced platformer,
survive and reach a certain desitination to win.


Dodge em Balls boii!

you are a circle
you have to dodge triangles
(yes ik the name is the opposite)

Social Media